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[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”28″ font_style=”bold” line_height=”28″]Webinar 3: Expanding Your Horizons[/text_block]

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”20″ font_style=”300″ line_height=”20″]Dec. 5, 2016[/text_block]

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- 00:00:00 Expanding Your Horizons
- 00:03:28 Mindset is critical to success
- 00:10:52 The need to diversify
- 00:12:15 Expanding to new platforms
- 00:13:08 eBay via JoeLister
- 00:18:32 Amazon to eBay in five minutes
- 00:19:11 JoeLister features
- 00:21:10 Listing example – JoeLister for eBay
- 00:23:40 More benefits of JoeLister
- 00:25:27 Multi-Channel Fulfillment
- 00:30:00 Steps to create a Merchant Fulfilled (MF) order
- 00:33:53 Merchant Fulfilled Strategy
- 00:40:43 Multipacks Higher price
- 00:43:27 Sell more to the same buyer
- 00:47:09 Replenishment alerts
- 00:50:19 Repricing
- 00:53:36 Check stock levels
- 00:56:32 Don’t compare yourself to others
- 00:58:10 Apply new strategies, take action, watch the numbers soar
- 00:58:38 Apply for new categories
- 01:00:34 Never stop trying
- 01:03:12 Questions

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