The final three months of the year are called the "fourth quarter," or "Q4." Because Q4 is quickly approaching we are excited to announce our wildly popular Q4 training groups!

These four facts will stuff your wallet in the next
3 months IF you follow our strategy.

  • Fact #1: Consumer spending for Christmas 2021 WILL destroy all old spending records
  • Fact #2: Most of that spending will happen in November and December 2021
  • Fact #3: Retailers are set to battle it out with incredible sales and markdowns starting in October and running through Christmas
  • Fact #4: Those who know what to buy and flip online can make a killing quickly
  • Bonus Fact: The benefits of our strategies can extend year round if you know what to look for!

  Many sellers make more during the holiday season (October - December... aka Q4) than they do during the rest of the year, but you need to have a plan!

"I run out of money before I run out of deals!"

Here's The Deal

Have you heard the term “make hay while the sun shines?” Well, this is definitely applicable to the 4th quarter of the year for selling online.

If you’ve been a part of our previous Q4 groups, this year will be better in many ways while keeping the best features of our past groups. Yes, there will be deals, but we’re going to equip you with the training to dominate not only in Q4, but the rest of the year as well. We want you to take your Q4 momentum and turn it into your best year yet!

We will be modeling these Q4 groups off of our highly successful past retail-arbitrage training strategies, lead by Ryan Reger, Honey Woods and Jimmy Smith. They have proven the ability to produce enormous success stories and results for those who've listened to their strategies over the past several years.

If you are new to selling on Amazon you may be wondering if these strategies will benefit you. The answer is a resounding YES! We are going to equip you with all the training you need to get started and attack Q4 like a veteran. 

Whether this is your first Q4 or you are a veteran this group is for you.

Here’s why you should consider joining the Q4 Success Groups

  • Live Over the Shoulder Retail and Online Arbitrage Training -  Imagine walking into a store with a seasoned veteran or being able to be in the room when they’re sourcing. Now you can. 
  • Lots of Keepa Training - Learn how to make profitable buying decisions by understanding a Keepa graph.
  • Merchant Fulfilled Training - This Q4 will be a tremendous opportunity for sellers that are willing to fulfill some of their own orders.  Learn how the pros do it.
  • Introduction to Outsourcing - You can’t do it all if you want to expand your business.  We’ll introduce you to ways to outsource some of your business.
  • Q4 Breakout Sessions - We’re all craving connection right now so these Zoom meetings will be an opportunity to network virtually with other sellers.
  • Ask the Experts Panels - Get all your questions answered on these “Ask Us Anything” Sessions.
  • Additional Webinars and Training - We’ll be listening to what the group needs and coming up with additional content to help meet those needs.
  • Amazing supportive community – The leadership team we have assembled truly cares about your success and we’re eager to help you succeed.
  • Private Facebook group – This is the place to ask any and all questions you have. There are no “dumb questions” and our team will be available to help you here.
  • Deals - Like past groups we will have WhatsApp groups dedicated to the sharing of product leads. Our leadership team will be posting deals as well as those posted by fellow members of each group. Unlike past years, these groups will be dedicated ONLY to listing great product ideas. No support questions will be posted in these groups. Our Facebook group will be used to field all support questions.

Check out some of the dozens of Faceook testimonials
that were posted last year towards the end of our Q4 Training!


I was so worried about spending the money for this course...Not Now...I feel Great about this new Adventure!!
- Debbie B

This is really great training.
- JaMina E

Totally awesome. So much great information. Best Saturday class I've ever been to...

- Kent M

One of the best webinars I've attended and I've been doing Amazon/eBay for more than 14 years. A hats off to all of you.
- Joey C

Well worth the time spent today, thank you all!!
- Thomas J

This is very helpful!
- Sean M

Yes this bootcamp is worth many times the price we paid
- Karen S

This is my 1st Q4, which is one reason I signed up for this training. But, with everything that's being taught and demonstrated, I see how this will take me way past just Q4. It's exactly what I've been needing to pull a lot of pieces together for me, a great foundation and methodology for scaling my business. Can't thank you enough for all the work and knowledge you've packed into this. Big thanks!
- Barbara R

I WANT KATE BACK!!! … the BEST EVER!!! So good so many ideas so many products I could buy NOT afraid of 300,000 BSR anymore!

- Desiree S

I agree, this is worth thousands of $, plus the personal attention to attendees' is Superb
- Suman Yagnik

this is so much more info than last Q4! wow
- Fran K

One of the best webinars I've been on. Time well spent. Baby step presentation has helped me tremendously in removing the fog of the unknown. thanks
- Jim W

Please promise me that you haven't secretly charged my credit card a few thousand dollars for this webinar. It feels like it's worth it!
- Richard S

I love what you are doing and its been helpful. Thank you!
- Jim T

Q4 Sessions training and WhatsApp group has been a huge blessing! My wife and I have known for a couple of years that we "had to figure out how to do this online business thing." We even purchased other training courses, but always got stuck somewhere along the line. The training has been great! The Whatsapp group has been the impetus for us to make our online business finally happen. Having a place to ask questions, share ideas and feel a responsibility to others helped us to take ACTION. The emphasis on giving (helping others) and on building relationships has helped to keep the fear at bay, mostly. The webinar training has been very helpful...

- Dennis R.

When I first joined the Group I was struggling to scale my business up and needed help finding profitable inventory. What I received was worth far more than the initial investment. I got instant access to a network of experts that helped refine my sourcing strategies. The ideas shared helped me to think outside of the box that many Facebook groups had put me in. The group operates more like a mastermind that allows you to bounce ideas off of other sellers from all over the world. Now I have access to so much inventory I could never purchase it all. The network in the Mobile Sourcing Group has been a massive contributor to my success as an online retailer...

- Adrian F.

This was my first Q4 and I think that I did pretty well. So far, my sales have surpassed $15K since starting. I've been with Amazon for awhile, but never made this kind of money. I didn't think it was possible with toys. I have to admit that a good portion of the sales, were from Hatchimals and a handful of Nintendo Classics. I also get daily sales from other items that I've sent in, as well. This has really opened up my mind about what can be accomplished in Amazon and/or ebay. I hope to continue this in the next year and possibly branch into private labels. Thanks so much and I will definitely join again next year.

- Linda H.

Meet Your Q4 Success Guides

Jimmy Smith started selling on Amazon in December of 2015 with his wife Brittany.  Jimmy was able to quit his full time job in 2018 and now he enjoys the freedom of working with Brittany scaling their business. They have grown their sales to over $100,000 per month in Retail and Online Arbitrage replenishable products. This replens strategy has allowed them to be able to consistently sell thousands of units of products per month on Amazon through the arbitrage business model.

Honey Woods is a homeschooling mom of six, who started selling on Amazon in December of 2015. Her e-commerce business allowed her husband the opportunity to quit a stressful job and be home full-time. Honey has a heart to help others and to bring families together.

Ryan Reger has been selling online since 2008. He's the author of Real Wholesale Sources, Beyond Arbitrage, Private Label the Easy Way and Streams of Income.  He has the heart of a teacher and enjoys sharing his simple process for success with others.

Kate Chattic is a home schooling mama of six. She started her family's Amazon business in 2015 using the Proven Amazon Course. After learning the skills to build replens into her business at the beginning of 2017, it took just five more months to double the family income, allowing her husband to quit his job. Retail and online arbitrage are her specialties, with a huge majority of her sales coming from replens. She has also been a teacher in the Proven Q4 groups for 3 years. Working alongside her husband, raising their family, running their seven figure business and teaching these skills to others brings her joy!   

Christie Hertzler is a wife, mother, grandmother and life long entrepreneur! She has been selling successfully on Amazon since 2015. She believes that God blessed and entrusted her with the gift of connection to people and that giving is the greatest gift there is.

Leanna Crocco has been selling online and self-employed most her adult life. She was a health coach for 18 years before joining the Amazon world in 2015. She has the passion to help others and expand the possibilities.

Tasha Marie Przytulski is a wife, mother, author & entrepreneur! She WON the PAC course on MST in fall of 2015 and began sending inventory to FBA in March 2016 - Her husband, Aaron, came home from his J.O.B. in 2017 to go full time in their Amazon business and they have been successfully building each and every year. She enjoys helping others reach for the full potential that God has designed for them by encouraging them on their path to success. It gives her great joy to be able to help so many people reach their goals.

What You'll See In The Groups


I can't say enough good things about the Q4 Whatsapp group! This is my first Q4, I began selling on Amazon in Sept 2016. The Q4 group vastly exceeded my expectations! And I had high expectations. I made my investment back within the first 2 weeks and many times over. There is no way I would have made the same amount of money on my own. Besides the high economic value, there was such a sense of camaraderie and energizing positivity within my Ruby group.

I can say that I felt such willingness from everyone to share BOLOs and it made me excited to get up, get out, and find some gems for my group as well. I gained so much knowledge and the live aspect of the group made it so easy to get an answer pretty much immediately whenever I needed it- on various topics- from amazon customer service/MF shipping/ decision making while sourcing.

I can't get over the how much the people I met in my Ruby group inspired me, their helpfulness and 'go-get em'!' solution oriented attitude just blew me away!  And did I mention the money? Lol. It has been a blast, absolutely fantastic! I will be back Q4 2017 no doubt!

- Andrea C.

My name is Susie D. and my husband, who has a PhD in Ministry, drove a city bus in Fort Lauderdale FL to provide me with affordable insurance to pay for medication for my rheumatoid arthritis. I tried one home business after another to be successful so we could retire my husband and then I found Amazon's FBA program in mid 2014. We didn't know what we were doing but we started part-time while we both worked J.O.B.S. then I was able to quit my job in Oct. 2015 so we could get more shipments out to Amazon for last year's Q4. Through another training program we learned how to be more successful at local retail arbitrage and at the end of December 2015 we realized we had found what we were looking for and we were in our minds "a big business" selling $77k through retail arbitrage alone.

We bought Jim Cockrum's tapes from his most recent event in September and were blown away when we listened to them. His statement that you should never pay a HUGE price for training was a far cry from what we had been doing for the last year! ... We signed up for the Proven Q4 Plan and have considered this Money VERY Well Spent. We look forward to attending his event next fall...

Has this been helpful to our business? Absolutely! We thought we had done well last year for our first real Q4 using retail arbitrage but it was hit and miss on what products to buy. This year with the group offering advice and the fantastic webinars you have had for us it has been altogether different! We tripled our sales from last year's Oct and November PLUS we are on target to at least double our December 2015 sales!! Not only that but you have given us new tools to add to our tool chest so we have other ways to find products to sell in 2017.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

May your businesses continue to be blessed as you truly are a blessing to others!

- Susie & Bob D.

This is my second year in these Q4 Sessions and there is only one thing I tell myself "Not to miss any of them.” The benefit you get from being in the group is phenomenal. Just one idea, or one tip or even one Item suggested by someone in the group can generate lot of income for a long time.

- Aliraza G.

Having come to trust and value Jim Cockrum... reputation over the years. I didn't hesitate for a single moment to jump onto this program. Just like they said I would, I recouped investment within weeks. More importantly, I met some fantastic people and learned some amazing tools applications and tip. I sold my very first item on item on Amazon on 1st November 2016. To date (December 18th) I've exceeded sales of $7,700k. I went into the Proven Q4 program because I was overwhelmed and intimidated by the idea of my first Q4. I'm going into Q1 feeling confident and armed with a wealth of knowledge that I can apply and aid me in my continued success. I can't wait for 2017 Q4 so we can do it all over again.

- Nickisha R.

Last December we sold $2,000 and were considering walking away from Amazon for a number of reasons.

Well, we decided to stick with it and have made significant strides this year.
The Q4 groups have been a big part of helping us blow our expectations and results completely out of the water. November we had our best sales month by far - $25,000. This month we have already eclipsed that with still two weeks left to go...

I want to give a big thanks ... Most of all a huge thanks to team RUBY- so many stellar generous people! Thank you all! Time for some much needed rest!

Btw, if you are having a tough time figuring things out- stick with it. Try something new, get some coaching, invest in help. You can do this!!

- John K.

The best thing I did last year was sign up for one of the Q4 groups. It really gave me confidence to buy and opened my eyes to products. I now am doing 20k a month because of it and my only limit is my time.

-Samara Z.

This has been our first year going thru Q4…….and what helped us have success more than anything was the support, advice and guidance of ... everyone in the Q4 sessions group. I hate to think of what we would have done without all the help and information every step of the way. The webinars have been priceless and we can watch them again and again as we go forward. They guided us on what to look for…where to find it……how to list it…and so much more. ...Can’t say enough about how helpful this has been!

- Henry C.

I have smashed my Q4 target, thanks mainly for being part of your Global Sellers Q4 group. The early webinars in October/November got me charged up and being part of a proactive UK group helped me focus better and raise my game which got me great results.

- Simon

I really enjoyed the Q4 group. I made money yes, but more importantly, I saw a bigger picture of e-commerce and selling online. I had several aha moments.... Seeing that it's not just clearance items that can sell, making bundles and also using FBM for Q4 and testing products.

- Luke D.

Wow. How can I ever thank you enough? I am attaching a screenshot of my sales for the past six weeks.
This is my first Q4. It never would have happened without the Proven Q4 Plan webinars and all the support I received from my WhatsApp group.

- Morgan R.

Being a new amazon seller, I was already looking into other Q4 programs. However once I came across this one, I knew I was in good hands. Why? Because I was going to learn how to source for Q4, not just simply told what to buy. While I do believe the other trainings on the internet are good, after going through the Proven Q4 Training I feel it is was far superior to the others. This training over delivers in content, just one idea made me hundred of dollars. The emerald group that I was part of outstanding in sharing Bolos, advice and encouragement. This aspect of the program I think is priceless. Webinars were as well outstanding and so practical that you could easy follow the direction and take action. Love the energy coming from the presenters... I could keep going on about the benefits of this program, but the bottom line is that it really can help improve your sells during Q4. So how did I do you may ask? Well for being my first time, I'd say I did okay. The first week of Dec I did 1K in sells, it's now the second week and I've already hit over 2K! And we still have some Q4 left, my only regret is not buying more to sell. However, I have learned so much during this Q4 that Im definitely in a better position to take advantage of next year!

- Robert T.

I am glad I decided to join the Q4 group. Last year, my first year, I did Q4 solo. Doing it with a group is much better.

*I got motivation and sourcing ideas from other members
* I doubled my Q4 earnings from last year

The content of the webinars, video from gal who specialized in sourcing health & beauty products... when to reprice and when to merchant fulfill, tips on how to set inventory alerts, and when my online order was shipped to an out of state relative's home a group member gave me step by step instructions on how to easily get it to Amazon.

Thank you for shining light on the path so I can now clearly see where to take the next step in my business.

- Jan W.

The whole experience was awesome. If you out the work into what is being presented you can’t lose. We got one of the first tip on the Hatchimals and purchased as many as we could find before they disappeared. We made about $2,000 on that tip alone. We put some hustle into that and were showing up at local WM’s at 4:30a to find then haha.

Also got another great tip about party supplies and bundles. We acted on that by purchasing groups of Thanksgiving Plated and Napkins and other fun items from WM’s and big Lots. Almost every bundle we put together sold organically. We will now create bundles like that and call on wholesale companies to creat those kinds of bundles.

Webinar’s couldn’t be better. and the Toggle video was helpful. Thanks again, will participate next year and will advise all coaching students to do same. Would like to be part of a group like this with you all year.

- Laura G.

Just wanted to say Thanks so much for everything you guys has done for us this Q4. I really enjoyed being part of the Proven Q4 group this year. We were in a Great group of people We were taught more then we thought we could learn. Got the answer to one of our burning questions. How do we keep growing We got our answers from the groups and from the webinars And we feel like we can grow the way we have been wanting to now. Thanks again ... Everyone.  Hope Everyone has A Great And Blessed Christmas.

- Edie G.

Thank you for putting together everything. My first real selling Q4 on Amazon. Learned tons of information, now it’s just putting action to it. We will sell $30,000 this month, frigging awesome. Made a few mistakes along the way. But what I have always taught my kids, is it’s the mistakes you make when taking action is how you truly learn. Get out there and just do it!

- Michael B.

Compared to last year's Q4, this has been a phenomenal Q4 for me, thanks to my Proven Q4 Whatsapp group. It's made all the difference! The reason why is because of synergy. You get to know the people in your group, and you experience the energy that everyone in your group is experiencing. It's something that's kept me on my toes and helped me to really move forward and with speed I never thought possible. We in our group have been such a great support to one another. It really does work! You share ideas, you share deals (which are in such great abundance during Q4), and you share memories. Well done! And I look forward to next year's!

- Bill M.

The game-changer for me, was being a part of the Q4 groups! The webinars, the What's App, and Facebook groups we phenomenal. Being a part of a team of people who genuinely wanted to help your business succeed really made the difference. Being able to used the knowledge, tips, and BOLO's unselfishly shared, help me double my revenue from my first Q4. I would highly recommend participation in this Q4 program!

- Talisha D.

To my surprise, my husband and I were completely overwhelmed by how awesome it was to participate in the chat room and attend the webinars.

The information was provocative, challenging and insightful. We took immediate action .... “Cha-Ching” . Furthermore, as the spirit of sharing grew within our group, a trust was developing among like-minded individuals. Nearing the end of the course, we had developed a few solid business relationships that will continue after the provenQ4 is over.

- Sylvia & Thomas

Thank you ...for hosting a very professional, supportive, unselfish and friendly Q4 group. This is my first time in this type of group and the support and information sharing was remarkable, it exceeded my expectations.

I must confess that when my business partner and I learned about the Q4 FB Group we were a bit skeptical because we didn't know if we wanted incur the expense when we need the funds to use elsewhere, but the return on our investment was more than worth the cost. The webinars were filled with golden nuggets that we implemented immediately and our WhatsApp group was the icing on the cake. With everyone being so busy, the sharing was non-stop. Thank you for the opportunity. Looking forward to participating Q4 2017.

- Pam

I just want to thank you... for a fantastic first Q4 - and it's not even over yet! The information alone that I have learned from the WhatsApp group, Facebook group and webinars was indeed worth the cost to join, and I feel certain it will catalyze my success going forward. It looks like some of us in the group will be forming a mastermind group as well, which could end up being the best part of this program for a pretty hardcore lone-wolf like myself.

Thank you all for providing these opportunities. Best wishes, and have a very merry Christmas!

- Josh

I've had an amazing time being part of my Proven Q4 group. Not only have the webinars provided insightful content that I've learned a lot from, the group of people I've been connected to has been awesome!

Initially, I thought there were only going to be 3 webinars, but there were several bonus webinars too, with even more training offered by a helpful group of experienced sellers willing to share sourcing tips and techniques and answer questions long after the webinar was originally scheduled to end. In addition, as another resource, we were sent product buy lists where the research had already been done for us and new products were added as the months went on.

Lastly, the members of my group were exceptionally giving! Not only did they share BOLO's Every Single Day, but also advice about all kinds of things, selling related or not - how to package items for shipping, what to look for if you couldn't find anything while you were in-store, remedies to get over the flu and get back to sourcing more quickly, commiseration about price drops or what to do about a bad review, inspiration and high fives when sales were good ...I could go on.

I want to continue to be part of my group as long as possible. I have learned so much and come to know a group of people who, though I haven't met them in person, I consider friends.

- Ivy C.

Mark F. here. I was (am) in the Emerald Q4 Group. Wanted to give a quick testimonial & Thank You to You, ...for sharing your wisdom. I was a little frustrated with our group as it seemed to evolve into a support group, rather than a BOLO source. I'm OK with that as we all need support. I have to say that the Webinars were well worth the investment as I learned quite a lot ...

My wife & I have sold on EBAY for about 15 years, but have not "thrown" ourselves into it until last year. ...we decided to try FBA in June of 2016 doing primarily Retail Arbitrage & thrifting.

To date, EBAY has done $26,706.64. Amazon has done $24,800.90 since June, ($11,992.04 in the last 30 days). A combined total of $51,507.54. Not a fortune to some, but being in our 50's, it's pretty significant to us. I have almost matched my salary, as I am still employed by the County as a Superintendent. ...I have to say that there is work involved with FBA, but it is so much fun, and it is something my wife & I enjoy doing together. Pulling a great ROI up an your phone as you search for product never seems to get old. I have listened to your personal testimony & it has been an inspiration. Thanks to you all for sharing & I would like to personally wish you much success in all that you do.

- Mark & Debbie F.

I’m glad I got the q4 sessions. I got most benefit from the watts app group, seeing the live posts from others in the UK doing well spurred me on to source and send in.
The people who posted regularly were encouraging and helpful.

- Carole C.

Joining this group was the best decision I made to push to the next level. Thanks all of you for putting all this info together. I know it takes work and time. Really appreciate it.

-Claudia S.

Can we sweeten the deal for you even more?

To make our Q4 offer even more tempting for you, we are offering all Proven Q4 Plan participants our "60-Day Challenge."

Here's the challenge:

  • Sign up for
  • Consume a minimum of 2 hours of the training in the next 60 days and put it into action
  • If you aren't able to make a nice profit with what you've learned, request a refund and you'll get it along with a $100 credit toward any of our other future courses or offers as well as a copy of any of our best-selling ebooks (your choice)


Q: Is this international?
A: Yes. Anyone anywhere can do this as long as they have an Internet connection. The trainings will be applicable no matter where you live. In regard to the deals while a lot of the stores mentioned are in the US, we had quite a few international members last year who benefitted from our program. Most of the products that are popular during the holiday season in the US were also wildly popular in the UK, so they were able to take advantage of that knowledge and buy locally in the UK and made great profits. We also plan on having a UK group this year.

Q: When will the Q4 Groups Start?
A: We're planning on kicking it off the week of Monday, September 13th - right before the beginning of Q4!

Q: I’m new to selling on Amazon, can I still do this?
A: YES! We are going to equip you with all the training you need to get started and attack Q4 like a veteran. Amazon is the most popular Christmas season shopping site, so right now is the best time to get started on Amazon.

Q: Do I need a smart phone in order to participate?
A: Yes & No. Yes, you need a smart phone to participate in the mobile groups - real-time sharing. You can also access your group via computer, but it limits your ability to share and see deals while out sourcing. No, you do not need one for the webinars and training.

Q: What will be different about these groups from previous years?
A: The focus of our Q4 Groups will be on training you to succeed this Q4 and well beyond. While there will still be deals posted in each group and sharing happening among members (as in years past), the focus will not be on the deals at all this year. Instead, we will also be equipping you with the proven strategies being used by the most successful sourcing experts in our community ensuring that your success continues well beyond Q4 2021!

Q: Does the group continue after Q4?
A: You will have the option to continue your Q4 experience into 2022! This option is for anyone who wishes to become a member of our thriving, "year-round" Legends group. This group is ran by the same leadership team as our Q4 groups listed above along with several other highly successful members and moderators.

Secure Your Spot In The ProvenQ4Plan Groups Now!

You Get...

  • Live Over the Shoulder Retail and Online Arbitrage Training 
  • Keepa Training
  • Merchant Fulfilled Training
  • Outsourcing Training
  • Q4 Breakout Sessions
  • Ask the Experts Panels
  • Amazing supportive community
  • Membership in the private Q4 Facebook group
  • Membership in an exclusive group of 50 or fewer Amazon sellers with Exclusive Product Leads
  • BONUS:  Instant access to all of the 2019 & 2020 Q4 training!

Proven Q4 Success Groups


Contact support with questions - [email protected]

Our goal is to make our customers happy, so we back that up with our simple refund policy. If you are not pleased with your purchase for any reason, just contact us within 30 days and we will offer a full refund or credit - your choice! Have questions or concerns? We are happy to help. Contact us at: [email protected]

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