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[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”28″ font_style=”bold” line_height=”28″]Webinar 2: How to Create Effective Amazon Bundles w/Abe Ortolani[/text_block]

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”20″ font_style=”300″ line_height=”20″]Nov. 22, 2016[/text_block]

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- 05:15 Abe’s story
- 09:55 Why Bundles?
- 10:51 Tiered system of exclusivity
- 12:34 What you’ll need to get started
- 13:45 Mindset for Growth
- 14:07 Repeatable process
- 14:39 Bundle Examples
- 24:54 Research: Where to start
- 26:36 Tools
- 30:05 Search examples
- 35:53 Create Your New Listing
- 42:04 Optimize the listing
- 43:51 Search terms
- 45:20 Tools to find keywords
- 46:05 Trigger words tips
- 52:26 Listing Title
- 54:07 Listing bullet points
- 56:16 Listing description
- 59:03 Listing pictures
- 1:02:01 Promote and Refine
- 1:04:00 Bundle All Year Long
- 1:04:43 Keyword Inspector example
- 1:09:42 Storefront Stalker Pro example
- 1:13:24 Keyword Inspector Reverse ASIN example
- 1:19:14 Exclusive Tactics
- 1:19:26 Promotional companies
- 1:26:35 CreateSpace Bundle ideas
- 1:31:06 Q & A

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