[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”22″ font_style=”bold” line_height=”26″]Steps To Take[/text_block]

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[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”30″ font_style=”bold”]WEBINAR REPLAYS[/text_block]

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”18″ line_height=”22″]Webinar 1 REPLAY
Monday, Oct. 17[/text_block]
Monday, Oct. 17[/text_block]

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”18″ line_height=”22″]BONUS: Q & A Webinar Replay
Monday, Oct. 31[/text_block]
Monday, Oct. 31[/text_block]

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”18″ line_height=”22″]BONUS: Webinar – Retail Arbitrage Replay
Wednesday, Nov. 9[/text_block]
Wednesday, Nov. 9[/text_block]

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”18″ line_height=”22″]Webinar 2 with Brett Bartlett
Strategies to Dominate Q4 Replay
Monday, Nov. 14 at 8pm[/text_block]
Strategies to Dominate Q4 Replay
Monday, Nov. 14 at 8pm[/text_block]

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”18″ line_height=”22″]BONUS: Webinar with Abe Ortolani
Create Effective Amazon Bundles Replay
Tuesday, Nov. 22[/text_block]
Create Effective Amazon Bundles Replay
Tuesday, Nov. 22[/text_block]

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”18″ line_height=”22″]Webinar 3
Multi Channel Fulfillment and Selling on other Platforms Replay
Monday, Dec. 5[/text_block]
Multi Channel Fulfillment and Selling on other Platforms Replay
Monday, Dec. 5[/text_block]

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”18″ line_height=”22″]BONUS: Webinar with Ryan Reger
Selling Beyond Q4 with Private Label the Easy Way Replay
Monday, Dec. 12[/text_block]
Selling Beyond Q4 with Private Label the Easy Way Replay
Monday, Dec. 12[/text_block]

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”20″]Proven Online Sourcing Strategies[/text_block]

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”16″]To help boost the value of the sourcing groups, we’ve added Proven Online Sourcing Strategies as a bonus for all Q4 buyers. This course will help everyone leverage the value of the groups by increasing the potential deal-discovery and deal-sharing.[/text_block]

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